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The basic vertebrate pattern. The plan. The blood vessels


The basic vertebrate pattern. The plan. The blood vessels

Gill slits are a fundamental feature of all vertebrate embryos, including humans. With few exceptions, there are six gill slits on each side. Blood leaving the heart travels from the conusarteriosus into the ventral aorta, which branches to send six pairs of arteries between the gill slits. The arterial branches join the dorsal aorta above the alimentary canal. Anterior to the gill slits, the ventral aorta branches again, forming two external carotid arteries that supply the ventral part of the head. Two internal carotids, which are the anterior extensions of the dorsal aorta, supply the brain in the dorsal part of the head.

Deoxygenated blood collects in capillaries and then drains into larger and larger veins, whichtake it from various parts of the body to the heart. Of these, the anterior and posterior cardinal veins, each with left and right components, take blood to the heart from the front andrear of the body, respectively. They lie dorsal to the alimentary canal, while the heart lies ventral to it. There is a common cardinal vein on each side, often called the duct of Cuvier, which carries blood ventrally into the sinus venosus. Various other veins join the cardinal veins from all over the body. The ventral jugular veins drain the lower part of the head and take blood directly into the common cardinal veins.

Lower vertebrates have two so-called portal systems, areas of the venous system that begin in capillaries in tissues and join to form veins, which divide to produce another capillary network en route to the heart. They are called the hepatic (liver) and renal (kidneys) portal systems. The hepatic system is important because it collects blood from the intestine and passes it to the liver, the centre for many chemical reactions concerned with the absorption of food into the body and the control of substances entering the general circulation. The function of the renal portal system is less clear, but it involves two veins that pass from the caudal vein to the kidneys, where they break up into capillaries.

The coronary circulation is that which supplies the heart muscle itself. It is of crucial importance, for the heart must never stop beating. Cardiac muscle needs oxygen from early in embryonic development until death. In mammals the coronary blood supply comes from the aorta, close to the heart. In evolutionary terms, this was not always so; many lower vertebrates, including agnathans and amphibians, have no specialized coronary arteries. Theheart obtains its oxygen from blood passing through it. Fish have well-developed coronary vessels that arise from various sources, but ultimately from the efferent branchial system.

The introduction of lungs changed the site of oxygenation of the blood. In lungfishes coronaryarteries arise from those anterior arterial arches receiving the most oxygenated blood from the heart. In reptiles coronary arteries branch from the systemic arch, but their position of origin varies. In some species they arise close to the heart, as in birds and mammals. Coronary veins generally run beside corresponding arteries but diverge from them to enter the main venous supply to the right atrium, or to the sinus venosus in fishes.


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