Blood cells
There are four major types of blood cells: red blood
cells, platelets, lymphocytes, and phagocytic cells.
Collectively, the lymphocytes and phagocytic cells constitute
the white blood cells. Each type of blood cell has a
specialized function: red cells take up oxygen from
the lungs and deliver it to the tissues; platelets participate
in forming blood clots; lymphocytes are involved with
immunity; and phagocytic cells occur in two varieties—granulocytes
and monocytes—and ingest and break down microorganisms
and foreign particles (see video of macrophage consuming
bacteria). The circulating blood functions as a conduit,
bringing the various kinds of cells to the regions of
the body in which they are needed: red cells to tissues
requiring oxygen, platelets to seal over points of injury,
lymphocytes to areas of infection, and phagocytic cells
to sites of microbial invasion and inflammation. Each
type of blood cell is described in detail below.
The process of blood cell formation (hematopoiesis)
takes place in hematopoietic tissue. In the developing
embryo, blood cell formation occurs in the liver, but,
as the fetus develops, hematopoiesis shifts to the bone
marrow, a dark red, gelatinous tissue in the central
cavities of the bones. In young children, hematopoietic
bone marrow fills most of the skeleton, whereas in adults
the marrow is located mainly in the central bones (ribs,
sternum, vertebrae, and pelvic bones). Bone marrow is
a rich mixture of developing and mature blood cells,
as well as fat cells and other cells that provide nutrition
and an architectural framework upon which the blood-forming
elements arrange themselves. The weight of the marrow
of a normal adult is 1,600 to 3,700 grams and contains
over 1,000,000,000,000 hematopoietic cells (18 ? 109
cells per kilogram).Nourishment of this large mass of
cells comes from the blood itself. Arteries pierce the
outer walls of the bones, enter the marrow, and divide
into fine branches, which ultimately coalesceinto large
venous sacs (sinusoids) through which blood flows sluggishly.
In the surrounding hematopoietic tissue, newly formed
blood cells enter the general circulation by penetrating
the walls of the sinusoids.
All blood cells arise from primordial cells called
multipotent hematopoietic stem cells. By dividing and
differentiating, these precursor cells give rise to
the four major blood cell lineages: red cells, phagocytic
cells, megakaryocytes, and lymphocytes. The cells of
the marrow are under complex controls that regulate
their formation and adjust their production to the changing
demands of the body. When marrow stem cells are cultured
outside the body they form tiny clusters of cells (colonies),
which correspond to red cells, phagocytic cells, andmegakaryocytes.
The formation of these individual colonies depends on
hormonal sugar-containing proteins (glycoproteins),
referred to collectively as colony-stimulating factors
(CSFs). These factors are produced throughout the body.
Even in minute amounts, CSFs can stimulate the division
and differentiation of precursor cells into mature blood
cells and thus exert powerful regulatory influences
over the production of blood cells. A master colony-stimulating
factor (multi-CSF), also called interleukin-3, stimulates
the most ancestral hematopoietic stem cell. Further
differentiation of this stem cell into specialized descendantsrequires
particular kinds of colony-stimulating factors; for
example, the CSF erythropoietin is needed for the maturation
of red cells, and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
controls theproduction of granulocytes. These glycoproteins,
as well as other colony-stimulating factors, serve as
signals from the tissues to the marrow. For instance,
a decrease in the oxygen content of the blood stimulates
the kidney to increase its production of erythropoietin,
thus ultimately raising the number of oxygen-carrying
red cells in the blood. Certain bacterial components
accelerate the formation of granulocyte colony-stimulating
factor, thereby leading to an increased production of
phagocytic granulocytes by the bone marrow during infection.