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Diseases related to platelets and coagulation proteins. Coagulation disorders. Thrombosis

Diseases related to platelets and coagulation proteins. Coagulation disorders. Thrombosis

Thrombosis, the formation of a blood clot (thrombus) that tends to plug functionally normal blood vessels, is one of the major causes of death in Western societies. In this condition, the normal tendency of platelets to form a clot at the site of a vascular injury is a contributing factor. While the process of thrombosis is not completely understood, the chief underlying cause is believed to be a lesion that destroys the normal endothelial surface of the blood vessel. Platelets tend to adhere to such lesions and eventually form masses that, when reinforced by fibrin, may completely obstruct the blood flow. This obstruction may have disastrous consequences in arteries such as the coronary or cerebral blood vessels or a major artery of a limb or organ. In veins, the local results are less apparent or perhaps not even detected; however, behind the original thrombus, the whole blood content of the vein may clot to form a large mass. This occurs most frequently in the leg veins and may be due to slowing of the blood flow during prolonged surgical operations or confinement to bed. The danger is that the thrombus may become detached (an embolus) and be swept into the pulmonary artery, causing circulatory obstruction in the lung.

Disorders of the regulation of blood coagulation may be either inherited or acquired. The hereditary deficiency of antithrombin III, protein C, protein S, and plasminogen can be associated with a thrombotic tendency; i.e., the inappropriate formation of clots in vessels. The most common of the thrombotic disorders include pulmonary embolism (clots in the lung)and deep vein thrombosis (clots in the leg veins). Other predisposing causes of thrombosis are an increase in platelet numbers in the blood and the formation of functionally abnormal platelets in diseases of the bone marrow. Birth control pills, pregnancy, and many disorders may be associated with a thrombotic tendency, but the reasons for this association are not understood.

The prevention and treatment of thrombosis aims at balancing the overactive clotting tendency and a bleeding tendency. The formation of clots may be prevented by the administration of anticoagulant drugs. Sodium warfarin inhibits the action of vitamin K and renders the blood less able to clot. Heparin facilitates the inhibition of activated clotting enzymes with the inhibitor, antithrombin III. These commonly used medications prevent the formation of clots or the enlargement of already existing clots. Streptokinase, urokinase, and tissue plasminogen activator are enzymes that dissolve clots. As agents that cause the lysis of fibrin clots, they are known collectively as fibrinolytic agents. Their administration, although attended by the possibility of bleeding complications, can restore blood flow through a vessel blocked by a clot.


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