Diseases related to white cells. Leukemia. Clinical
The terms acute and chronic refer to the duration of
the untreated disease. Before the advent of modern chemotherapy,
patients with acute leukemia usually died within weeks
or months of the first manifestations of the disease.
The life span of patients with chronic leukemia is now
measured in years.
Leukemia primarily involves the bone marrow, but the
lymph nodes and spleen may also be affected. For example,
the spleen usually is enlarged in chronic myelogenous
leukemia, and in chronic lymphocytic leukemia there
often is enlargement of lymph nodes. Changes also take
place in the leukocytes, red cells, and platelets, with
consequent anemia and bleeding manifestations. The first
symptoms may be weakness and an increased tendency to
become fatigued because of anemia, or hemorrhages into
the skin and nosebleeds, or gum bleeding due to a decrease
in the number of platelets. In the acute leukemias these
symptoms may be severe, the anemia may progress rapidly,
and there may be fever. Chronic leukemia is more insidious
in development, and the early manifestations may be
overlooked until enlargementof the spleen or lymph nodes
is discovered. Leukemia is recognized by examination
of the blood, supplemented in most instances by examination
of the bone marrow.
Acute leukemia is marked by the presence in the blood
of immature cells normally not found there. In acute
lymphocytic anemia (also called acute lymphoblastic
leukemia), most frequently seen in children, the cells
are immature forms of the lymphatic series of cells.
In myeloblastic leukemia the predominant cells are the
youngest recognizable precursors (myeloblasts) of the
neutrophils of the blood. In a third and the least common
variety, acute monocytic leukemia, the immature cells
appear to be precursors of the monocytes of the blood.
Myeloblastic and monocytic leukemia occur more commonly
in adults and adolescents than in young children. In
general, acute leukemia occurs in young persons, but
no age group is exempt.
The total white cell count usually is increased but
not uncommonly is normal or lower than normal (leukopenic).
In such cases, abnormal immature cells may nevertheless
be seen in the blood. In all forms of acute leukemia
the typical cells are found in abundance in the bone
marrow. “Aleukemic” leukemia refers to those instances
of leukemia in which no abnormal cells are found in
the blood; in these instances the leukemia is identified
by examinations ofthe bone marrow.
Chronic granulocytic (myelogenous) leukemia is characterized
by the appearance in the blood of large numbers of immature
white cells of the granulocytic series in the stage
following the myeloblast, namely, myelocytes. The spleen
becomes enlarged, anemia develops, and the affected
person may lose weight. The platelets may be normal
or increasedin number, abnormally low values being found
only in the late stages of the disease or as an unintended
result of therapy. The disease is most commonly encountered
in persons between the ages of 30 and 60 years. With
treatment the leukocyte count falls to normal, anemia
is relieved, and the size of the spleen is greatly reduced.
When the leukocyte count rises again, treatment is reinstituted.
Such cycles of treatment, remission, and beginning relapse
with rise of leukocyte count can be repeated many times,
but a stage ultimately is reached when treatment no
longer is effective. The disease then often terminates
in a form resembling acute leukemia (“blastic crisis”).
There is considerable variation in the duration of the
disease. Although in various series mean life span has
been about 3 1/4 years, many affected persons live in
good general condition for five to 10 years and sometimes
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia differs in many ways from
other forms of leukemia. It occurs most often in people
over 50 years of age, and its course usually is rather
benign. It is mainly characterized by an increase in
the number of lymphocytes in the blood, often accompanied
by more or less generalized enlargement of lymph nodes
and the spleen. Affected persons may carry on for many
years without treatment and without any other manifestations.
There may be no anemia and no loss of weight. Life span
in this disease is measured in terms of five, 10, and
even 15 years, occasionally even longer. Two events
mark a change in the state of relative good health.
One is the development of anemia, sometimes hemolytic
in type, often accompanied by some decrease in the number
of platelets. The other is impairment of immune mechanisms,
resulting in great susceptibility to bacterial infections.
Treatment differs according to the type of leukemia.
Consequently, proper classification of the leukemia
is the first step, once the diagnosis of leukemia has
been made. Treatment of alltypes of leukemia reduces
illness and, in acute leukemia, prolongs life.
A number of drugs are used for the treatment of leukemia
and, now less frequently than before chemotherapy was
available, various forms of irradiation. The therapeutic
agents are all myelotoxic; i.e., they injure all the
cells of the bone marrow, normal cells as well as leukemic
cells. Their mode of action is through direct damage
to the dividing stem cell (unspecialized cell from which
specialized cells develop) or by slowing or cessation
of cell division. These effects may be accomplished
(1) by antimetabolites, substances that interfere with
the synthesis of DNA, a constituent of the chromosomes
in the cell nucleus; (2) by blocking DNA strand duplication
through the binding of drugs such as the nitrogen mustards
with the base groups of DNA; (3) by disruption of the
mitotic spindle during cell division; or (4) by interfering
with the formation or functioning of RNA, which is manufactured
in the cell nucleus and plays an essential role in the
production of protein and in other cell functions. Drugs
with different modes of action are often combined, especially
in the treatment of the acute leukemias.
Much skill and experience are needed in steering the
narrow path between maximum possibledestruction of the
leukemic cells and tolerable injury to the normal cells
of the host. In the process of treatment anemia may
increase; the body defenses, through the decrease in
the number of neutrophils, may be impaired, and the
platelets may be greatly reduced in number. Anemia can
be treated with blood transfusions, and serious reductions
in platelets can be met for a time with platelet transfusions.
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is more successfully treated
than are other forms of acute leukemia; prolonged remissions
and even cures can be brought about in children with
the disease. Certain drugs are used to bring about remission;
if the remission is complete, the patient becomes well,
and no signs of the disease are demonstrable in the
blood or bone marrow; drugs other than those used to
induce remission often are more useful in maintaining
the remission than the remission-inducing drugs.
Acute myeloblastic leukemia and acute monocytic leukemia
are less effectively treated by available drugs than
is acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Nevertheless, new and
aggressive forms of chemotherapy can induce lengthy
remissions of the disease. Transplantation of normal
bone marrow, following total irradiation of the patient
to destroy all his normal bone marrow cells as well
as the leukemic cells, has shown promise. With the advent
of refined techniques of tissue typing, it is no longer
necessary that the donor of the bone marrow be an identical
twin. Marrow from histocompatible siblings (brother,
sister) are effective. Best results have been obtained
in patients younger than 35 years of age. When this
form of treatment is successful, the patient's marrow
is replaced by the donor's marrow. Although the treatment
is arduous and complex, cures of acute lymphocytic and
acute myelogenous forms of leukemia are now possible
with bone marrow transplantation.
Chronic myelogenous leukemia is treated with a drug,
busulfan, in daily doses until the leukocyte count has
returned to normal. Treatment then is interrupted until
the leukocyte count has risen to about 50,000 cells
per cubic millimetre, when treatment is resumed. This
can be repeated many times, and thus the affected person
is maintained in good health for years. Not infrequently
the intervals between treatments are six months in duration
or longer.Busulfan, however, like other antileukemic
agents, can injure the bone marrow, and other adverse
effects may occur. Other drugs and X-ray therapy also
have been used but are somewhat less valuable than busulfan.
In suitable young patients, bone marrow transplantation
has been used successfully in chronic myelogenous leukemia.
In its early stages, chronic lymphocytic leukemia seems
best untreated, as long as anemia is not present or
glandular enlargement is not too troublesome. None of
the current treatments are curative. The high leukocyte
counts in themselves are not harmful. When there is
severe anemia, however, or when the platelet count is
very low and bleeding manifestations are severe, adrenocorticosteroid
hormones are often given.
The lymphomas are malignant tumours of lymphocytes
that are usually not associated with aleukemic blood
picture. Instead, enlargement of lymph nodes and/or
spleen are characteristic. The lymphomas are classified
into two main groups: Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's
lymphoma (or lymphocytic lymphoma). Hodgkin's disease
usually begins with a painless swelling of a lymph node,
and it may involve lymph nodes anywhere in the body.
The disease seems to begin in one lymph node and spread
from there to others. Exact determination of the extent
of the disease (“staging”) is important in planning
its treatment. Hodgkin's disease is a potentially curable
lymphoma, so details of its treatment are crucial. The
early stages of the disease can be cured with radiotherapy.
More-advanced stages are still curable with chemotherapy,
and in some patients a combination of chemotherapy and
radiotherapy is used. The staging of the disease entails
a thorough medical examination, bone marrow biopsy,
and X rays. The latter usually include computerized
axial tomography (CAT) scanning to identify enlarged
lymph nodes in the interior of the body. In many cases,
surgery (laparotomy) is required to obtain for examination
lymph nodes from deep within the abdomen. The goal of
all these staging procedures is to enable the physician
to select the therapy with the maximum curative potential.
The non-Hodgkin's lymphomas constitute a heterogeneous
group that arise from either B lymphocytes or T lymphocytes.
They may have an indolent course, as in the nodular
well-differentiated B lymphocyte lymphomas, or the tumour
may be aggressive, as in the diffuse T lymphocyte forms.
Unlike Hodgkin's disease, the lymphocytic lymphomas
spread through the bloodstream. Therefore, the staging
procedure is not as extensive as in Hodgkin's disease.
Combination chemotherapy, usually given in cycles over
a period of months, is effective in certain types of
diffuse lymphocytic lymphomas. Prolonged remissions
with eradication of the disease are difficult to achieve
in the indolent nodular lymphomas.
Another malignant disease, probably related to the
above conditions, is multiple myeloma, which is characterized
by a malignant overgrowth of plasma cells within the
bone marrow. This severely painful disorder causes defects
in the bone of the skull, the ribs, the spine, and the
pelvis that ultimately result in fractures. As the bone
marrow becomes more involved, anemia develops and hemorrhages
occur: the number of leukocytes may be low, and abnormal
myeloma or plasma cells are found in the bone marrow.
This disorder is associated with a marked overproduction
of immunoglobulin by the malignant plasma cell (the
normal plasma cell is the source of the antibodies).
The plasma cells in multiple myeloma are the progeny
of a single malignant clone, and they secrete into the
blood a single type of immunoglobulin molecule—a monoclonal
immunoglobulin. In some cases, a component of immunoglobulin,
the light chain, may be produced in excess. These light
chains appear in the urine, and in multiple myeloma
they are called Bence-Jones protein. A type of chronic
kidney disease often develops, probably as a result
of the high concentration of Bence-Jones protein in
the kidney tubules; this frequently is the ultimate
cause of death. In some cases the condition remains
quiescent for a time, but death is inevitable. Adrenocorticosteroid
hormones and chemotherapeutic agents have been used
in the treatment of multiple myeloma.
Maxwell M. Wintrobe
Robert S. Schwartz